Apoyando al Neo-desarrollismo: intenciones de conversión de dinero en capital huma


  • Andres Dapuez conicet, argentina


Dinero, Transferencia monetaria, Desarrollo humano, Capital humano / subject, spectator, action, narrative, reflective judgment


En este trabajo, reconstruyo los contextos históricos en los que se implementaran el programa de transferencias monetarias condicionadas denominado sucesivamente Progresa-Oportunidades-Prospera. Infiero hipótesis sobre sus objetivos, en el marco de un proceso de un ajuste estructural de muy largo plazo, iniciado por el programa de transferencias monetarias incondicionadas Procampo. Ambos programas apoyarían: a. una constante migración del campo a las ciudades, b. la conversión los hijos de campesinos a nuevas actividades económicas; y, c. la producción de nuevas subjetividades. Dejando de lado en este artículo las distintas apropiaciones de los dineros de dichas transferencias monetarias, describo aquí cómo una emergente cultura del monetarismo promueve la inminente conversión de dinero en capital humano. Title: An estetic view of the political subject in Arendt: The spectator as narrator Abstract: This paper deals with the study of the viewer in Arendt from aesthetic judgments and, more precisely , reflective Kant-ians . The hypothesis of this research argues that political action is understood in the very conflict of shared or common world that embodies the narrator of the story; that is the subject of politics and critical action . To support this principle is necessary to understand two issues. The first is that there is a guy who founds a sensible and visible means space and the sense of experience through narrative or story in Arendt. Second, the narrated experience made visible by the policy of all capacity: Kantian reflective judgments Arendtian understood as political . So, found the space sensible and legiti-mate bearer of the meaning of political action not instituted settled concepts such as what is right or wrong act or how to act under certain political regime. Rather, they are the political uncertainties own conceptual space understood as con-flict from the trials, testifying and who defines a narrator or a critical viewer of the action. This last issue is approaching a political think Arendt led to a strictly philosophical and phenomenological pose of political action .



