Raising awareness about the refuge: campaigns and serious games



Education, refugees, asylum, comunication, video games, experience


The objective of this article is to analyze the way in which organizations linked to asylum and refuge develop new strategies through which to sensitize the population on the subject, with the point of attention focused on personal stories and the experience of refugees. To do this, three audiovisual campaigns, a video game and two mobile applications designed by ACNUR to raise awareness about the reality of refugees are analyzed. The methodology used is of a qualitative nature, analyzing the content and the method by which the experiences lived by refugees and applicants for international protection are communicated to all citizens. This work arises from a broader investigation that allows contextualizing the phenomenon, a previous step that structures the specific theoretical framework of the article in which the communication exercise of humanitarian organizations is discussed, to then enter the campaigns themselves. Next, a video game and two applications are analyzed, in order to reach a dialogue between playfulness and communication/awareness. The main results point to the proliferation of serious games as a strategy to approach the younger audience, illustrating the shift in the communication strategy of organizations, where value is placed on experience as a tool to create empathy. By way of conclusion, the importance of adapting the contents to the public and to the variations of the phenomenon of asylum and refuge is highlighted, without losing sight of the use of the theme by companies far from the interest of raising awareness and educating.

Author Biography

Ivana Belén Ruiz-Estramil, Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea

Licenciada en Sociología y Máster en Modelos y Áreas de Investigación en Ciencias Sociales por la Universidad del País Vasco, Doctora en Sociología por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, actualmente en estancia Postdoctoral en el Centro de Estudios Sociales de la Universidad de Coimbra. Ha realizado estancias de investigación en Coimbra y en Colombia. Actualmente investigando la actualización del sistema de asilo europeo y las lógicas coloniales a través de las cuales se externaliza el control de fronteras y se desgasta el asilo y refugio, siendo beneficiaria de una Ayuda del Programa Posdoctoral, de perfeccionamiento del Personal Investigador Doctor del Gobierno Vasco.


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