Two years of pandemic: provisional balance according to population in México City


  • Anna Maria Fernández Poncela Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Xochimilco


satisfactory, unsatisfactory, gains, losses, learning, pandemic


Much has been said and written about the pandemic. Here an approach is presented as a balance of the same from the population. Specifically, the positive and negative that it brought, who won and who lost, what was done well and what was done badly, and the learning that took place. This is done through interviews with residents of Mexico City, two years after the start in the spring of 2022. As a provisional result, it is possible to affirm that the economic problem is the most worrying over illness and death. The family the most positive in confinement. Having learned hygiene and health care is highly valued; the measures and the vaccines too. Those who won were everything related to the Internet, as well as pharmaceuticals and the health sector. Those who lost, small businesses and businesses, trades and street vendors. The government is criticized for implementing the measures late and lax, however, the vaccination is the most positive thing it has done. The people interviewed learned to get to know each other and to be more humane and supportive, but they say that there were people who did not learn anything.

Author Biography

Anna Maria Fernández Poncela, Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana/Xochimilco

Dra Antropología, Universidad de Barcelona Profesora Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco (México DF) Miembro Academia Mexicana de Ciencias, miembro Sistama Nacional Investigadores, etc. libros y artículos sobre participación y cultura política, relaciones de género, cultura popular, patrimonio y turismo, etc


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