Transitional Justice as a peacebuilding mechanism in the post-conflict framework in Colombia


  • Juan Carlos Cardona Londoño Colombia University Corporation
  • Karina Inés Lopera Graciano Colombia University Corporation
  • Kelly Tatiana Rúa Correa Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana


Internal Armed Conflict, Peacebuilding, Transitional Justice, Post-conflict.


       After the signing of the peace agreement between the Colombian government and the FARC-EP, after more than 50 years of internal armed conflict, which brought with it great violations of international humanitarian law; The need arises to analyze the transitional justice instrument and its components in an integral way, in its theoretical foundation; to hence analyze the way in which this mechanism is articulated and developed in the Colombian context through a set of both judicial and extrajudicial tools in this time of transition where it seeks to reconcile the parties in conflict in order to achieve a construction of peace in Colombia. This tool is ideal for both peacebuilding and peacebuilding; since its objectives are: a reconstruction of historical memory, accountability to the victims, legal security is guaranteed, coexistence, reconciliation, reparation is generated and the non-repetition of the conflict is guaranteed through the reconstruction of the social fabric. The central question that is asked is how to adapt the transitional justice mechanism to the post-conflict scenario in Colombia so that it can be an effective peacebuilding tool? This, taking into account that the legal framework of transitional justice is produced under conditions of an armed conflict that has not ended.


Author Biography

Juan Carlos Cardona Londoño, Colombia University Corporation

Facultad de Ciencias Sociales y Humanas Facultad de Derecho


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