Research Notes

Pillars for building inclusive communities


  • Helga Alejandra Ticac Autora


Inclusion- Deontology- Community- University- Public policies- Accessibility


Although the topic that I am going to develop is located within the framework of the development of professional practices on disability in the field of higher education, it is possible to project it in various educational, work and community settings.

In the daily activity of professionals, wherever they carry out their work, they encounter problematic, dilemmatic situations that require rethinking their practices and positioning themselves ethically, having as their guide the laws and values of their society and permanently adapting to changes.

The task is not easy, and in this work we will review some questions that arise in our daily work life, which aim to encourage critical and self-critical thinking. Likewise, premises are proposed for community work, from the perspective of accessibility and educational inclusion.

New and constant challenges appear in our future when we try to build inclusive and caring environments, where mutual respect, social commitment and solidarity prevail, in view of universal accessibility.


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