The Invisibilized Coertion Horizon of The Educational Inclusion Paradigm


  • Zardel Jacobo México National Autonomus University
  • María Cristina Hernández Tapia México National Autonomus University


Deconstruction, Special education, educational integration, inclusion, disability


This paper is an approach to the vicissitudes implicit in the issue of Inclusive Education in the case of Mexico. In the literature, the Special Education model is usually positioned as the cause of segregation and separation of the population with disabilities, and the Integration Model and later the Inclusion Model are presented as the ones that will reverse it and make possible an educational transformation that restores dignity to people with disabilities. In this text we try, from a critical point of view, to deconstruct this assumption and unveil the complex political and historical processes that impact the organisational forms and logics of the educational field and show the horizon of coercion of the social and economic context that creates the vulnerability of people with disabilities and the hierarchical relationships that the system implicitly considers in a predominantly positive rather than negative relationship, when perhaps what dominates is an asymmetrical negative reciprocity and hence the unequal positioning of the subjects. Vulnerability is taken as an attribute of people, forgetting the context of coercion from the outside, which the Convention on Persons with Disabilities euphemistically calls barriers, as an impediment to be eliminated, when the context cannot be eliminated by decree alone. Thus, in this text we seek to make a brush of the history of Special Education to Educational Inclusion in its dimension of attention to people with disabilities and the vicissitudes carried out in a matrix of complexity, heterogeneity and contradictions inherent to the realities that have drawn the country approximately from 1970 to 2018.

Author Biography

Zardel Jacobo, México National Autonomus University

Departamento de Sociología y Política Social


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