
  • Angelo Davide Marra Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria


discapacidad, educación, inclusión


Reseña de la obra: "Leyendo historias sobre inclusión: una voz maltesa en los estudios sobre discapacidad", de Andrew Azzopardi. Idioma de la obra referenciada: inglés. Idioma de la reseña: italiano.

Author Biography

Angelo Davide Marra, Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria

Angelo D. Marra was born (in 1980) in Reggio Calabria where he currently is a solicitor. After his Legal Degree (completed 'cum laude') , He obtained a PhD in Private Law researching rights to integration and social inclusion of people with disabilities, with a thesis entitled “Daily Activities, Lack of Autonomy of the Physical Impaired and Support Provisions”, concerning all main disability-related legal provisions in Italian legal system (especially anti-discrimination law No. 67/2006) and promoting the social model of disability in Italy. Dr. Marra wrote several articles on disability and law, both in Italy and in international reviews. He organized workshops and congresses on disability issues in his hometown where, as a solicitor, he promotes disability advocacy and inclusive policies. He collaborates in the Course of “Accessibility, Safety and Availability of Spaces” (Prof. Francesco Bagnato) at the Faculty of Architecture, and holds workshops and seminars on legal aspects of design. He is a volunteer assistant in Family Law (Prof. Roberto Amagliani) and Bioethics of Law (Prof. Attilio Gorassini) in the Faculty of Law of the University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria. He was a visiting research fellow at the Centre for Disability Studies and the Department of Law of the University of Leeds in 2006, and is a member of the Canadian Association for Disability Studies. Dr. Marra writes for the legal review In Iure Praesentia. He has also been asked to edit the topics “Handicap” and “ Architectural Barriers” for the Enciclopedia on www.personaedanno.it