Towards a sociological critique of contemporary political correctness


  • Edwin Cruz Rodríguez Universidad Nacional de Colombia


Political Correcness, Identy Politics, Emancipation, Universalism, Cancellation culture.


This article critically examines the contemporary problem of political correctness. His central thesis is the following: the centrality of the discussion on political correctness is a result of the institutionalization of the demands raised by the labor, feminist, lgbtiq and anti-racist movements in the second half of the 20th century. The scope of these struggles today has been reduced to the symbolic and the formal, leaving intact the socioeconomic and political structures on which inequity and injustice are based. For this reason, dogmatic positions of rejection or unrestricted defense of political correctness can only be overcome by radicalizing emancipatory policies, making them once again dysfunctional in at least two ways. First, articulating the dispute over the symbolic and the formal with transformative actions in the socioeconomic and political fields. Second, taking up universalist emancipatory projects.


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2022-09-17 — Updated on 2024-03-07

